Marry Millionaire
Dream to marry a millionaire?? Your dream will come true... Just fill in the "bride form", we'll pass your data to our rich clients, you only have to wait and some of them will call or sms you directly to your cell phone !!

Fascinating Facts About Rich Guys

8:28 AM

Whether you're just curious about men with money or on a mission to snag one, here's the scoop on where they hang, what they do for a living, and the kind of mates they make.

By Victoria Lucia
Photo: Asha Fuller

Landing a loaded guy has long been a fantasy for some females. In fact, your own mother may have even quipped that it’s just as easy to fall for a wealthy man as it is a poor one. And high-income dudes (those earning $104,000 and up, as defined by the Tax Foundation Group in Washington, DC) are on our radar even more thanks to such shows as The Hills, Gossip Girl, and The Millionaire Matchmaker.

Plus, statistically, they’re on the rise. According to the 2007 Wealth Report, there are more richies in the world than ever: 9.5 million people are earning at least $1 million annually, and 94,970 are pulling in at least $30 million each year. Here, the lowdown on boys with mad bank.

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Bride's form

7:59 AM

Bored with your life? Want to be rich? Want to be a millionaire's wife from abroad?

Fill in the BRIDE'S FORM below and wait until your cell phone rings.. a millionaire will SMS or Call you and ask you to be his wife...

Suggestion to fill in the form...

*Nick Name - Use an attractive name, it represent who you are..

* Your e-mail, YM id and Cell phone number won't be published, it only be given to a serious client who wish to know you better


* Describe yourself - Tell about who you are in brief ( must include: age, nationality, race, hobbies etc ), don't forget to describe your ideal husband :)

Bride's Form
Questions marked by * are required.
Your Nick name: 

Email: *

YM id:

Your Cell Phone# ( i.e: +62-812-9876543): *

Upload Your Picture: *

6.Describe Yourself ( in english ): *


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How To Marry A Millionaire (Silhouette Special Products) (Mass Market Paperback)

2:08 AM
Product Description
In three connected romances, Torrey Benson, the author of How to Marry a Millionaire, tests her methods on three volunteers--including cocktail waitress Emilie, career woman Camille, and Christopher, Torrey's ex-husband. Original.
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How to Get a Rich Man: The Princess Formula (Paperback)

2:08 AM

Product Description
Donna Spangler uses the Princess Formula in her book How to Get a Rich Man, which is designed to help the reader get the right man step-by-step and outlines the bath to true love and financial security. Leaving behind the guilt and judgment, this book shows women the best ways to make the most of what they’ve got. The book asks the question: If men can be drawn to beautiful women, why can’t women look for financially secure men? Readers can use the Princess Formula to find rich men, spot imposters, identify what rich men want and what they don’t. Readers will learn the secrets to feeling accepted and at ease in the world of the wealthy no matter her bank balance. How to Get a Rich Man is a striking blend of perky innocence and a ""femme fatal"" mentality designed for those seeking a heartfelt practical love life.

About the Author
Donna Spangler is an actress, model, producer, director and author. She studied psychology at UCLA. She currently has a successful interview radio show once a week and is known as the ""interview goddess."" Spangler is also known for appearances in Playboy magazine. She has also done several posters, calendars, catalogues and commercials, as well as television in movie appearances such as ""Forces of Evil,"" ""Guns,"" ""Matilda,"" ""Dinosaur Valley Girls,"" ""In Living Color,"" and ""Blossom."" Spangler also created the popular web show, ""Scandals."" She was profiled on BBC’s ""Secret Map of Hollywood,"" VH1, and national German TV sat1 regarding her book, lifestyle, and personal accomplishments.

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How To Marry A Multi-millionaire: The Ultimate Guide To High Net Worth Dating (Paperback)

2:07 AM

Product Description
Do you want to achieve the great life you've always dreamed of? Do you want to meet your knight in the shining Gulf Stream who will fly you off to an all expenses paid life of luxury and leisure. Of Course you do! In "How to Marry a Multi-Millionaire", the first comprehensive guide to marrying the rich, the authors show you how to get on the High Net Worth dating circuit where most single multi-millionaires meet their wives. 

About the Author
Ted Morgan, international socialite of mystery and charm, is intimately familiar with the high net worth dating and mating circuit. A partner in a large and prestigious Wall Street firm, Mr. Morgan is the quintessential WASP. After evading several high-end Gold Diggers, Mr. Morgan married into a family of great wealth. Now happily divorced, he splits his time between Southampton, Palm Beach and Manhattan


Serena Worth a journalist in New York City. After working for more than ten years as a senior editor of a major business publication, Ms. Worth now coaches women on lifestyle issues, achieving career goals and managing relationships at home and in the workplace. She is married with two children and lives in Manhattan with her husband, a high profile investment banker.

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How To Marry A Millionaire

2:04 AM

Do you want to marry a millionaire? If you could find someone with all the qualties you are looking for in a mate, would you care if they were rich? 

I had a classmate in college who was fascinating. She was very plain looking, was a poor student, had no discernable talents, and could sometimes be sarcastic. Obviously, that is not what made her interesting. Her entire focus was on finding and marrying a millionaire. I seriously doubted she could do it, but I watched her strategies from the sidelines. 

What I didn't know then that I do know now that I am a dating coach is that even though she was not very attractive, her chances of marrying a millionaire were excellent. Why? Because she did the following: 

How To Marry A Millionaire 

*She knew what she wanted. 

Learning how to marry a millionaire was her mission in life. I thought it was Mission Impossible. I saw her get rejected over and over. But she was focused on her goal. 

*She had scouts. 

Finding and marrying a millionaire takes scouts working with you and for you. She had an impressive network of people helping her look for someone, starting with her mother and father, and including her extended family and her friends. 

*She showed up at millionaire sites. 

If you want to marry a millionaire, you have to go to where the millionaires are. She went to places where she could identify her potential candidates. She was on a college campus where she could look for someone who met that requirement. She went to parties, conferences, and even on some blind dates that were set up for her by her friends. 

*She was not afraid to approach people she did not know. 

If you want to marry rich, you have to show up and be friendly. She would constantly design new ways to meet the guys who had the "right" qualifications. She knew where they would be on specific days and times, and made a plan to get near them, start a conversation, and invite them for coffee. 

* She ignored her critics. 

Lots of people made fun of this girl but she was invincible. She seemed impervious to their criticism. 

* She never gave up. 

She never lost sight of her goal. Some people want to be a doctor. Some want to be an astronaut. This girl wanted to marry a millionaire. 

I am sure it is no surprise that she did meet and marry her millionaire. Further, they fit the description of many millionaire couples, which is, they are still together. Nearly half of all marriages in the U.S. end in divorce, but only one-third of millionaire couples get divorced. The reason is that both the man and the woman make conscious choices, and while they also choose people who are attractive to them, they place more value on other characteristics such as intelligence, sincerity, cheerfulness, reliability, and affection. 

You may not need to marry a millionaire, but you can use the above qualities to bring you what you want. You can do it. 

For more tips, skills, and insight on dating, relationships, singles, and love. Subscribe to our Free Savvy Dating Newsletter from master single's coach, life coach, and syndicated columnist, Tonja Weimer.
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How to marry a millionaire by the woman who knows

2:03 AM

By Louise Jury, Arts and Media Correspondent

The seminar with Ginie Polo Sayles could be the most lucrative afternoon of your life. The American poor girl made good is to bestow the benefit of her experience and tell you How To Marry The Rich.

The seminar with Ginie Polo Sayles could be the most lucrative afternoon of your life. The American poor girl made good is to bestow the benefit of her experience and tell you How To Marry The Rich.

After bagging her own Texan oil millionaire 15 years ago from under the nose of her best friend, Ms Sayles has spent years advising fellow Americans how to do the same. This week she holds her first seminar in London on how to win your wealthy man (or woman).

Anyone can mate with money, she said, as she prepared for her mission to the UK yesterday. "You really can. But it takes a person who is genuinely interested in it. A lot of people think they're serious about it, but they're not."

Grooming is the key to success. "Look at Cinderella. Her fairy godmother gave her this makeover and said to her, 'If you want to crash the party, you have to look as though you belong there.' You don't have to pay as much for the clothes as the people who are there, but you have to look that style. And then you get away with it."

Being in the right place is the next lesson, which makes public relations and journalism good careers for meeting your match. "The financial district is good," she added. "Most really wealthy businessmen feel that [marrying] is no different from making a business deal."

Men who are interested in wealthy women need to decide whether they want to be a husband or a toy-boy for special occasions only.

Ms Sayles spotted the benefits of wealth early. "I wanted to date boys with money when I was in high school because they could afford to take me places that I couldn't afford to go and they could introduce me to experiences I wouldn't otherwise have had. I always refer to it as my educational system."

Yet her first husband, though her boss, was not at all wealthy and her second, a doctor, was only comfortably off.

Only when she met Reed Sayles, whose ancestors founded the Texan town where he was raised, did she strike gold."I was absolutely conscious he had money. But I also liked the way he danced and lots of other things. He didn't mind a bit. He was amused," she said.

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How to marry millionaire - the movie

2:00 AM

Loco Dempsey, Pola Debevoise and Schatze Page, each one a pretty model, their goal in life?, to marry millionaires. They set themselves up in a top apartment and set about wooing any potential suitors, trouble is is that it's hard to tell the rich from the normal, and love may just have a say after all.

Betty Grable, Marilyn Monroe and Lauren Bacall play our three dubiously motivated ladies, each one putting a delightful stamp on each respective character. Filmed in CinemaScope, New York {and the girls Manhattan apartment}is beautifully realised and with the restored DVDs available, the colour positively gleams on the screen. The story itself is a fun one, tho at its core it's of course greedy and selfish, but this is a romantic comedy that plays out with delightful ease, and thankfully doesn't contain pointless filler scenes to purely showcase the actresses on show.

Monroe has never looked as pretty as she does here, some of her other films are obviously more famous, but she radiates sexiness and with her character being vision impaired, she gets to show the wonderful comedic talent that she definitely had. Bacall clearly is the best actor on show, so it's no surprise that she gets the best written part, at times bitter, intelligent and determined, her Schatze Page character is the glue binding the picture {and the girls} together. Betty Grable is solid without really impacting a great deal, with the boys {notably Rory Calhoun} offering entertaining support. How To Marry A Millionaire is simply a delightful movie that never over tries your patience, it's a fun ride with a little something for everyone, and it cheerily pays you off at the end. 7/10
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